Cost: $18,500 Today's Dollars:
$455,000 |
After the Civil War, the
United Confederate Veterans and United Daughters of the
Confederacy were very active in helping the old Civil
War Veterans and began to erect monuments in their
honor. Below
is a listing of Confederate Monuments that are located
in Texas by County. There are more than fifty Civil
War statues and memorials located in Texas and hundreds
throughout the South. The United Confederate
Veterans of Texas and The United Daughters of the
Confederacy usually sponsored the construction of the
Confederate monuments and statues, with the most popular
design being the traditional statue of a confederate
soldier who stands at parade rest on summits overlooking
parks, cemeteries, and courthouse lawns throughout the
state of Texas. When the Confederate statues in
Texas were being erected, may communities struggled for
years raising the funds for the confederate monument to
honor the veterans. Most of the Confederate Statues
in Texas are over 100 years old and the quality of workmanship is
incredible. There are links to the different
counties in Texas and we are trying to include
photographs of monuments in every county along with
photos of Confederate Veterans Reunions. If you have any
photos or information that you would like to contribute
please email us at
info@texasconfederateveterans.com These statues are truly a
treasure and piece of Texas History. |
Extensive methods have been inaugurated
at Dallas, ‘Tex., by the Daughters of the Confederacy toward
.building a Confederate monument there, and to make its
dedication a prominent event in connection with the United
Confederate Veterans reunion at Houston. Mrs. Kate Cabell
Currie, President, writes at length about it:
We have two hundred members, and of
that number one hundred have obligated themselves to raise five
dollars by September 1. Each week the ladies hold receptions and
though a dime is all we ask, twenty-eight dollars was added to
the fund as the result of the first reception Thursday will see
the second one, and I know even more will be added to the
treasury. The Sons of Veterans will give a grand entertainment
on July 23, and during the Democratic State Convention,
beginning August 12, the ladies will serve dinner. Gov. and Mrs.
Gibbs will give a grand lawn fête.
We have petitioned the Fair Association to give us one
day at the Fair to be called the Daughters of the Confederacy
Day. They have given their consent. We will give them the
greatest crowd ever seen in Dallas. October 25 is the day
designated. You know the veterans will come from far and near to
answer our call, for a woman’s prayer was never unheeded by the
gallant sons of Dixie. |
I enclose a letter “to the children.” I
long to have the monument ready for dedication, and have the
statue ready to adorn the granite column. |
Mrs. Currie, President, sends this
letter to the children: |
The ladies of Dallas have organized an
association called the “Daughters of the Confederacy,” which is
striving to build a monument commemorative of Southern bravery,
and they want your aid. |
I know you like to hear of brave deeds,
and you listen with hearts of love while father or grandfather
tell what they did on many a hard-fought battlefield, and you
brush away the tears as mamma or grandma tells what these brave
men suffered for you. How they suffered hunger and cold, and
many long marches over hill and dale were taken by their
barefooted boys in gray to answer the trumpet’s call to duty,
and many times to death. Yes, it was your loved ones who
suffered, so we want the children to build the bronze soldier
that will picture the Southern hero, grand and noble of form,
but with raiment tattered and torn. |
We want the monument ready for
dedication when the veterans come in the spring to attend the
reunion at Houston. We want them to come to Dallas. We want :all
Texas to come and welcome these heroes of a hundred battles, and
join us in showing our love for Confederate heroes. And what
could tell our admiration so eloquently as the bronze soldier
bearing this inscription: |
“The children of Texas, sons and
daughters of Confederate veterans, place this soldier to tell
the passer-by that our soldiers were brave.”
It will take $2,000 to place the bronze
soldier on the granite column, but we feel confident that 20,000
children are willing to send their dime, which will be added to
the children’s statue fund. Vacation has come, so won’t each lad
and lassie constitute himself or herself a committee of one to
solicit dimes for this purpose, and they will soon find their
names enrolled on a list that has raised on high, as a symbol of
heroism and honor, the statue in bronze to the memory of the
tattered and brave private, the noble nobody” of the war.
Any contributions to this fund will be cheerfully
received by Katie D. Cabell Currie, Dallas, Tex.